Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I Declare a State of Emergency in Dayton, Tennessee

A friend from home sent me this clip/link and I'm floored. I mean, I knew this type of mess was happening, (I'm from Tennessee) but I hoped times were changing down there.

Wow... This is scary and quite sad.

Please watch:

That last line will bother me for awhile.



  1. It's that last line that I like to use to make those idiot's heads explode. If what they believe is true that all life came from Adam and Eve, they they are only 300 generations from being related to all those they hate.

  2. That last line sounds like The Creation and Evolution Of Racism.

  3. It's so depressing, isn't it? That's all I can say about it right now. :-(

  4. sad...
    if they actually would read the bible the would know the first christian (AD) was a black man whose heart was after god's...

    on the other hand....
    perhaps this is just an example of what happens when first cousins breed...
    (for generations)...

  5. Mechadude2001, you can't blame that on the South. Dayton is in Ohio, which is the Midwest, and shows how ignorant some people outside of the South can be...

  6. Kayman, this is a town called Dayton, in Tennessee. I thought that at first as well

  7. I don't even know what to say. That teacher is incompetent.

  8. I love how the little stupid girl thinks she's so grand that she couldn't have evolved from anything so 'simple'! Hell-o! (She doesn't even think evolution is real or know what word use!)

    And these kids were struggling just to bring together barely intelligible sentences, even though the dogma has been shoved down their throats for years.

