Thursday, July 15, 2010

WATCH NOM's Brian Brown talking about the NOM Rally in Maine

On their Magical Hate Bus Tour, Brian and his folks stopped in Maine yesterday, trying to save marriage.

Please watch this fool


  1. As someone from Maine, I'm so annoyed they chose to come here.

    And yeah, where better place to start than in Maine. Seriously, outside of the Portland area it's pretty much idiot bible-thumpers. I like how he acts like gays are so violent because funny enough, in this state even figures of authority openly express homophobia and how gays should be shot.

    Whatever, this man just disgusts me.

  2. They were in Manchester, NH for an hour yesterday too. They had twice as many people on their side, according to the final report, but they picked a work day, at noon, to protest. They got theirs though, Gov. Lynch denounced them and called them an out of state hate group.:)
