Thursday, July 15, 2010

DC Gay Marriage Haters got Shut Down!

I give these fools credit for trying... D.C.'s highest court just told these haters "NO" on trying to overturn city's same-sex marriage law.

Here's the stuff:

Opponents had wanted to challenge a law that took effect in Washington in March allowing same-sex couples to marry. They attempted to get approval to put an initiative on the ballot asking city voters to define marriage in the city as between one man and one woman. But city officials balked, saying a district human rights law barred initiatives that would authorize discrimination.

On Thursday, the D.C. Court of Appeals ruled 5-4 that officials had the authority to keep the measure off the ballot and acted appropriately.

Now, that's should be enough for Bishop Harry and his band of fools to sit the Frak down and shut it up.


  1. As soon as I saw the collar on this black minister I thought "here we go again.." What is it with these religius fools? Can't they just live and let live? WTF?

  2. Bummer.
    Now they might have to leave the LGBT community alone and go back to preaching about God and Love and all that stuff.

  3. I can't stand that man! I'm glad we are making progress though, slowly but surely.

  4. Don't worry, the good bishop Harry will be back from Prince Georges County, Maryland once again with a scheme to overturn the law in District. Those with no lives will continue to make those whom are living theirs miserable in some way, shape, or form...
