Sunday, July 25, 2010

Comic Con 2010: Gay in Comics Panel

Hey all!

When I'm at Comic Con, I always go to the Gays in Comics panel. It is a great way to connect with other Comic Book gay geeks and learn about new developments in the gay comic world.

So here is a recap of yesterday's panel:
  • On the panel were: Howard Cruse- kind of started gays in comics, Tim Fish - Marvel writer, Dan Parent- introduced Kevin, the 1st gay character in Archie comics, Charles Chistensen - publisher and writer in Prism Comics, Geoff Johns - major player in DC Entertainment, Marjorie M. Liu -writer of Girl Comics and Wolverine's son Daken, Daniel Way - another writer for Daken, Jim McCann - Marvel Comics writer.
  • Many folks believe that gay characters should acknowledge their gayness.
  • Archie Comics were the only comic company to promote the Gay in Comics panel.
  • Howard Cruse created a gay character because there were barely any in a positive light. He also wanted gays to get excited about comics.
  • Geoff Johns said a gay character will be introduced in Green Lantern soon.
  • Kevin, the gay guy in Archie will be a regular character, and Jughead is not gay.
  • The room was packed and full of LGBT geeks. I was happy to see the Transgender community represented.
  • Gay Comics are still hard to sell in mainstream stores, many can be found online.
  • It was noted that X-Men panel did not have as much folks as the gay panel.
  • Andy Mangels spoks about the history Gays in Comics. The panel started in 1988 as a way to discuss gays in comics and to bring the gay geeks together.
  • Wolverine's son Daken is changing the game. His bisexuality will be heating up soon. The writers wants Daken to show different sides of his character.
  • Marvel also a lot of freedom in their comics, but not for a lot of violence.
  • Batwoman will also get more development... BTW Geoff Jones is really cute.
  • While I was there, I saw many web celebs like GayComicGeek, Jody from DoorQ, and J.T. Tepnapa. Oh, I was also recognized by several folks. It was great to meet people who looks to me as a gay geek source. I was really flattered
  • I asked Geoff Johns about a Wonder Woman movie, he said it is coming soon.
  • Dan Parent said the shift in today's generation led to the creation of Kevin in Archie comics.
In all it was a great panel.


  1. I would love to see Geoff in person. Did he elaborte on WW movie?

  2. Thanks for the brief, Wonder. I look to you as a geek source, myself ;)
    Thanks for doin what you do.

  3. no Mecha he didn't, but I wish he did
