Sunday, July 25, 2010

Comic Con 2010: Captain America Panel

I wasn't at this panel, I happened to be in the Gays in Comics one.

However, I do have the scoop, thanks to SlashFilm
  • Director Joe Johnston calls the film “a classic adventure love story with an edge.” he says that his favorite movie of all time is Raiders of the Lost Ark, a movie which he also worked on. He says that Raiders feels as modern today as it did they day it was filmed. This is his goal for Captain America.
  • Joe says that while he has studied the complete history of the character, he’s a fan of the Brubaker version of the Captain America. So they decided to Borrow certain visual elements from Brubaker version, but are “going a bit more modern than the original.”
  • Johnston also says that “if we don’t love steve Rogers before he gets transformed, we won’t love Jim after.”
  • Filming has been going on for a few weeks now but Chris Evans only started on set five days ago and claims that he “did some nice gentle scenes to get my feet wet.”
  • Marvel head/producer Kevin Feige admits that Chris has only been in a test version of the suit. The footage from the teaser trailer was filmed at a costume test. “The suit is coming together well but isn’t finished yet.” he says it’s more realistic than the cartoony version of the suit that leaked a month back. “It is something that is unequivocally the Captain America uniform but fits the time period.”
  • Hugo Weaving says he listed to tapes of verger Herzog to help him get the voice of Red Skull. He has only worked one day in the mask, and he has “only started” getting to “make the mask work. “
  • P.S. I saw Chris in person. Skinny, but cute as a button.

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