Friday, April 16, 2010

Why I think Joss Whedon is Directing and possibly Rewriting Marvel's scripts

Okay, so some folks are worried about Joss Whedon possibly rewriting The Avengers and Captain America movies.

I've seen different types of posts, claiming Cap will sound like Xander or the movie will be campy. But let's look at this carefully here.

WARNING this is my bias opinion, but it's still objective.
  • Joss will/may be rewriting the scripts, but look at who wrote the original scripts... Zak Penn. This is the person who gave us Fantastic Four, Elektra (Good Lord) and the rotten lemon juice in my eyes, X-Men- The Last Stand. Y'all remember these horrors, they were true insults to the comics and the fans. I'm sure Marvel Studios realized this and knew if they wanted more street cred, Joss's pixie dust may save the day. Plus, Disney don't play! They have a big stake in this and I know they want the best. So, it's very understandable why Joss should be more hands on.
  • Another reason is Joss's fan base. We are loyal to the death. We will follow him and his work, so if he rewrites and direct The Avengers, we are so there.
  • Joss is a great story teller. This man is great at what he does and most of us know it.
  • Another reason is choosing actors. Joss will not pick an actor or actress because they are overly hot. He will pick folks he trust and who are best for the part.
  • Finally, I think he truly genuine about the overall process. It's not about the glamour or glitter, fashion or fame. It's about the story and that's the reason why I love Joss Whedon.
So, I know he will work his magic on the scripts and get the best work from the actors. If anyone can give us a great comic book movie, Joss can.


  1. I wonder if Joss will have a hand in the current casting? Will some of the choices for who plays the characters get changed?

    Joss has proven he can handle an ensemble cast. But I think his success or failure will depend on the tone set from the setup movies. Neither Iron Man nor The Hulk movies have had elements that Joss would necessarily pick up and run with. It could be a very different movie.
    Joss is stuck dealing with the characters as they've been established in the other movies. This also may limit his room for interpretation. I think Joss would do better on something where he has free reign to bring forth his full vision. Right now The Avengers movie looks like it may have too many elements locked that could limit Mr. Whedon's vision. We'll see!

    Also, you know I can not let you get away with slipping Jem and the Holograms lyrics in your post! LOL! You go!

  2. Joss is good at groups. Alien Resurrection is such a Whedon.

  3. plus...look at his work in COMICS...Buffy Season 8 Anyone?!?!??!?!?!? Pretty damn well written!!!

  4. Plus..look at his work in COMICS!
    Buffy Season 8 has done pretty well in the the world of comics no?!?!?!?!?
