Friday, April 16, 2010

Hey Teabaggers! Taxes are at its lowest in 60 Years

If a Tea Party person is reading this, please think about it:
Despite big tax cuts included last year's economic stimulus package, the latest CBS News/New York Times poll finds that as many as 34% of Americans think President Obama raised their taxes.

William Gale, head of the Tax Policy Center at the Brookings Institution, tells
CBS News that federal taxes are actually "at their lowest levels in 60 years."

Said Gale: "The relation between what is said in the tax debate and what is true about tax policy is often quite tenuous. The rise of the Tea Party at at time when taxes are literally at their lowest in decades is really hard to understand."



  1. Obviously facts and logic don't influence them.

  2. Since when was the tea party about issues? We all know it's about the President's skin color.

  3. Teabaggers are simply angry at the possibility of other "groups" who are not right wingnut religious fanatics getting some voice. It's not about taxes, they simply argue the opposite of anything liberal, progressive minded people want to do. What they are against is intelligence, compassion, and vision. They want to keep things just as they are because they are already at the limits of what their pea sized little brains can comprehend. It's sad, but they fear the unknown, and that's such a broad spectrum form them. Way out of their comfort zone. They don't care about truth and the American way. They only care about losing what they think they already have. But they are so dumb, they don't realize they don't even have "it". They believe what right wing, conservative money tells them to believe. It's more like a cult than a movement.

  4. It shows that years of Republican advertising has been effective - hitting the airwaves non-stop characterizing Dems as 'tax and spend liberals' has hit home more than actual fact. So their penchant for rabble rousing is far greater than their ability to actually govern.
