Friday, April 16, 2010

KICK-ASS is F**king AWESOME!!!

My partner and I just saw Kick-Ass and I. Am. Blown. Away!!!!

After being bamboozled by Avatar and gutted like fish by Clash of the Titans, Kick-Ass has saved my geeky soul!

This movie is so f**king good! I cannot tell y'all how I'm totally inspired by this flick, oh my Goddess, this movie is no joke!

So let me give my vague review, bullet style:
  • This movie delivered what 3 Punisher remakes couldn't do.
  • Imagine Spider-Man with real action and less drama, and you get Kick-Ass.
  • This was a nice hat tip to comic book geeks and folks who want change.
  • The action was on point!
  • It didn't need cheap 3D to keep your attention.
  • This movie reminded me of Kill Bill and I LOVE Kill Bill!
  • Hit Girl was the bee's knees! She is the best character I've seen in a long, long time.
  • Finally a movie Nic Cage should be very, very proud of.
  • It was odd to see Atomic Comics in NYC! AC is an Arizona chain, I've been to them.
  • Aaron Johnson is a great Kick-Ass and kind of cute.
  • This is how hero movies should be done. Simple, clear, and violent.
  • The movie is very violent, but in a good way. The violence makes sense.
  • This is also a great comic with a solid story.
  • There are more chapters to this story, hopefully we will get another film.
  • Very good soundtrack! The music fit the scenes perfectly.
  • Watchmen should have been this good!
I'm in love with this movie! And if you can... SEE IT!

1 comment:

  1. I read the comics. Sorta. OK, I skimmed them in the comics store. Bloody.
