Friday, April 16, 2010

KICK-ASS is F**king AWESOME!!!

My partner and I just saw Kick-Ass and I. Am. Blown. Away!!!!

After being bamboozled by Avatar and gutted like fish by Clash of the Titans, Kick-Ass has saved my geeky soul!

This movie is so f**king good! I cannot tell y'all how I'm totally inspired by this flick, oh my Goddess, this movie is no joke!

So let me give my vague review, bullet style:
  • This movie delivered what 3 Punisher remakes couldn't do.
  • Imagine Spider-Man with real action and less drama, and you get Kick-Ass.
  • This was a nice hat tip to comic book geeks and folks who want change.
  • The action was on point!
  • It didn't need cheap 3D to keep your attention.
  • This movie reminded me of Kill Bill and I LOVE Kill Bill!
  • Hit Girl was the bee's knees! She is the best character I've seen in a long, long time.
  • Finally a movie Nic Cage should be very, very proud of.
  • It was odd to see Atomic Comics in NYC! AC is an Arizona chain, I've been to them.
  • Aaron Johnson is a great Kick-Ass and kind of cute.
  • This is how hero movies should be done. Simple, clear, and violent.
  • The movie is very violent, but in a good way. The violence makes sense.
  • This is also a great comic with a solid story.
  • There are more chapters to this story, hopefully we will get another film.
  • Very good soundtrack! The music fit the scenes perfectly.
  • Watchmen should have been this good!
I'm in love with this movie! And if you can... SEE IT!

1 comment:

Glenn Ingersoll said...

I read the comics. Sorta. OK, I skimmed them in the comics store. Bloody.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.