Saturday, March 13, 2010

Texas State Board of Education are filled with Idiots!

Texas State Board of Education managed to put in for foolishness in a bunch of social studies, history and economics lessons and books.

They want strong conservative ideals to be taught to millions of students for years to come.

This is what pure mess looks like, y'all. These folks want to screw up millions of kids for some idiotic standards that will NOT be recognized anywhere else in the frakking country.

Here are some the things they changed.
-Teachers in Texas will be required to cover the Judeo-Christian influences of the nation's Founding Fathers, but not highlight the philosophical rationale for the separation of church and state.

-Curriculum standards also will describe the U.S. government as a "constitutional republic," rather than "democratic," and students will be required to study the decline in value of the U.S. dollar, including the abandonment of the gold standard.

- The Board removed Thomas Jefferson from the Texas curriculum, "replacing him with religious right icon John Calvin."

-Conservatives beat back multiple attempts to include hip-hop as an example of a significant cultural movement.

-Numerous attempts to add the names or references to important Hispanics throughout history also were denied, inducing one amendment that would specify that Tejanos died at the Alamo alongside Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie. Another amendment deleted a requirement that sociology students "explain how institutional racism is evident in American society."

- The Board refused to require that "students learn that the Constitution prevents the U.S. government from promoting one religion over all others."

Mess, sheer mess! Now, if I could, I would cut Texas off from all federal funding and benefits until this crap was erased. I can't believe the audacity of this Board! Where did they get their education from? Fashion Bug?

Y'all are f**king up your kids' future, TEXAS!!!




  1. They aren't idiots. They are political Einsteins. They have led a concentrated effort to change the curriculum, which will affect many other states not just Texas, and won despite all of the evidence that contradicts their way of thinking.

    We shouldn't make fun of them or call them stupid, but rather take notes because what they did is just impressive.

    They clearly know what they are doing.

  2. It's outrageous and scary, is what it is.

  3. Yes, learn from their techniques but you have to laugh at them, especially the Asshat driving most of this, McElroy.

    The 2nd point, the U.S. is a Representative Republic more so than a true democracy. The founding fathers realized the folly of allowing the entire populace to vote on everything.

    This is clearly evidenced by the voter initiative processes in CA and ME where citizens can vote to strip rights from certain groups.

    And as far as our founding fathers being Christians, that's a stretch. Jefferson, Franklin et al are best called secularists than anything else.

    I'm more concerned with the efforts to paint Senator McCarthy as someone to be pitied, or the move to include Newt Gingrich and his Repug allies.

  4. Texas has been screwed up politically for quite a long time. Gone are the days of fiery Ann Richards. Replaced by George Bush idiots, pushing their conservative nonsense on their children. First evolution and science in general, now other subjects are getting caught in their web. I have to trust that this will not pass public muster. Hopefully the citizens will see that this is revisionist history at best, but at worst, it's downright lying. Someone has to stop them.

    Mechadude2001 is right. Both Texas and California have the majority of school kids, so publishers tailor their books to their standards in order to make them sell in those states. I think this stuff will make them think twice about printing national volumes. They might now have the "Texas version for accurately impaired." At least I hope so.
    Not everyone in Texas is such a right wing conservative fanatic. Let's hope they get some rallying going to stop this stuff before it takes over.

  5. This is why I don't want to teach as long as I live in Texas. This is the penultimate...
    The ultimate being that I don't like kids that much.
