Saturday, March 13, 2010

Someone Lay Hands on Brian Carn

This is Brian Carn, a self-proclaimed prophet, mostly of foolishness.

Please watch this poor lost child


  1. the man needs anti-perspirant, and to shut up. i find him most UNinspirational...

    are people really so desperate, to listen to any joe-blo claiming to have visions?

  2. This is an awesome man of God and anyne who has the spirit of God in them should know when God is speaking. I pray for understanding of the Kingdom of God and for God to bless you with knowledge of His word an spiritual gifts. I also pray that He forgives who ever created this site and put out postings against a Prophet of God. God says "my people perish for lack of knowledge." "Jesus said as he died n the crss Father forgive them for know not what they do."

    1. The Word says gifts come without repentince. do you not remember, in the Word. some went before God and said, " didnt I prophecy in your name. God still said," depart from me, I know you not." Some people can operate in a spirit of devination or even operate off of stolen anointing. (The anointing of the house)

    2. I know a young man around 15 years old that Brian shared a bed with and had sexual relations with him around 2005. I met Brian through a woman that had a church in Jacksonville. She claimed to be his God mother. I didn't think much of his meeting he was a kid and he looked homosexual. Welll... Three years later. I met a young man that I began mentoring. He had traveled to Ny with Brian when he went to minister at a church. After mentoring him for a little while he began to confide in me about different events that had taken place in his life. One specific discussion he was ashamed to discuss it with me, but felt that he needed to get the weight off his chest. The sexual activity with Brian in the hotel room. He also attended church and became convicted due to him becoming sexually confused. People need to know that Brian Carn is into men and women. It's disturbing how people thinks that everything and every one who proclaims God is real. Let me tell you something. He's on his way to a Swift destruction if he does not repent and stop what he is doing. Who knows Who else he has done that to. I COULD NOT Believe my Eyes when I came across the video of him trying to expose Eddie Long. Especially when he is also sleeping with guys. It's crazy he is around all these SO called ANOINTED Leaders and Church folk and they can't see that spirit but can see everything else and everyone elses business. It's very sad. I will end this with God is Not sleeping. As fast as people lifted him up he WILL surely Fall. Due to the Lust of his Flesh and abominations. I hope more guys come out as well as the young ladies. We don't need that spirit being spewed over God's people. Open your Spiritual eyes Children of God!

    3. Have you ever sooken witb Carn to get his statement. You ran with everyone elses. Better you person of god. Did you ask the Holy Ghost

  3. this man is a fornicator goes city to city church to church laying with all kinds of women telling them all they will be his wife one day messed so many of GODS beautiful women up! World please pray for this man! GOD will deal with him smh.

  4. How can the anointing be taken off someone where there is no anointing? Better yet, why wasn't he able to "prophesy" Eddie's scandal in advance? Give us all a break from your foolishness.

    1. When you lift you're eyes up in hell then you learn to keep your mouth off the man of GOD!!!!!

  5. How can the anointing be taken off someone where there is no anointing? Better yet, why wasn't he able to "prophesy" Eddie's scandal in advance? Give us all a break from your foolishness.

  6. ha ha ha,people dont know what to believe in this cruel world but i can say one thing believe it or not after this you can never say nobody told you the truth when you go before GOD, i won't tell you how i know because i'm not saved yet but even though i'm a sinner i know for a fact Brian carn is real and so is GOD i know somebody prayed that you guys would;nt get punished for this but to every action there is a reaction and hell awaits you the founder of this website and the ones who have been mislead death to the demons, hollywood goodbye, and illuminatti R.I.P and hopefully i get my life together before GOD comes back TY 777

  7. Hi pistoral15, I am not sure if anyone has offered the plan of Salvation to you, but I extend it to you and simple ask if you will accept Him as your Lord and Savior. Romans 10:9-10 says "if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that Hodge raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made. " I pray that God will bless you and cause you to continue to represent His truth.

  8. Its amazing. We do perish for lack of knowledge but the Bible says to know those who labor among you. To wish condemnation upon another person for their belief is wrong. Yes, God can use us in the middle of our mess, but we (flesh) Sometimes get caught up in us. The Bible also states through one of the disciples to let us come together to find truth. So I can't discredit him as a man of God, but take what I believe is for my life and the rest he can keep. I've never been a 'prophet chaser' I know what I God has in store for me and we must havea relationship with him personally. If you were brought up in holiness, you try the spirit by the spirit. We must not be quick to judge but we also must not be quick to follow. One thing about Gods word is that it will never return to you void.

  9. People that are born of God do not commit sin. Also, please stop acting as if these stupid HOES that got on their back for this demon are innocent. You can't mess a HOE up. She was messed up as soon as she became a HOE. Repent, and get SAVED while you (hopefully) still have an opportunity.


    1. Well... Obviously you are NOT born of God, because we all sin, whether through lack of faith, fear, and a million other ways the word shows we fall short of the Glory of God. The true statement is all who are born of God, are simply human beings. All who are born again, understand their justification, righteousness and transformation out of sin is a process, and therefore we are helpless without Jesus and His obedience, that gives us the abundance of grace And the gift of righteousness that causes us to reign in Life, through the One, Christ Jesus. The minute you think you have anything to do with your salvation, you have fallen from the Spirit of Grace and into legalism, self righteousness and 1000 times more unstable ground than Brian Carn ever thought of being on. The Lord Uses the weak to confound the wise. Brian Carn may have fallen a thousand times, a ten thousand more... But his heart is contrite before the Lord, which is like King David whom was/ is called a man after His own heart! The enemy is creating division and clearly has taken advantage of those who don't "intimately know" the Lord. Very sad how right the enemy can make the "Mockers and the Scornful" feel, being deceived and lukewarm. Talk about judgmen

  10. Gods people wil knw Gods pple , always, the spiritual shal dicern the spiritual, ths devils that claim to suddenly knw that men n women of God blessd by God r fake, devils get thee behind us in Jesus name, i render u burnt to ashes wth al ur lies, u cme 2 steal, to kil n to destroy, n u r fathers of lies, God dnt dwel in temples of flesh, 1 cor 4 says who is judge. Christians stop talkin to devils, Jesus hmself said nthng to the devil, bt the word, let God deal wth ths devils, greater is He in us than it in the world.

  11. Gods people wil knw Gods pple , always, the spiritual shal dicern the spiritual, ths devils that claim to suddenly knw that men n women of God blessd by God r fake, devils get thee behind us in Jesus name, i render u burnt to ashes wth al ur lies, u cme 2 steal, to kil n to destroy, n u r fathers of lies, God dnt dwel in temples of flesh, 1 cor 4 says who is judge. Christians stop talkin to devils, Jesus hmself said nthng to the devil, bt the word, let God deal wth ths devils, greater is He in us than it in the world.

  12. Touch not thy annointed and do the prophet no harm. So many people say what someone said not what they saw or heard. let the tare and wheat grow together and GOD will handle it. Be Blessed and seek God.

  13. Do any of you know what a PROPHET is according to the word of GOD? IT appears that would be a NO..........go look that up
