Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hater wants out of the Prop 8 Case

Well if you can take the heat, get out of the Prop 8 Federal Case.

Poor Hak-Shing William Tam, he thought he was doing something by volunteering to be a defendant for the haters. But, now he's all scared.

Hak-Shing William Tam was one of the five official sponsors of Proposition 8 who formally "intervened" in a federal lawsuit challenging the voter-approved ban. The lawsuit officially names the state as the defendant, but Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Attorney General Jerry Brown have refused to defend the voter-approved ban.

On Friday, Tam told U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker that he fears for his and his family's safety. In his court filing, Tam's lawyers say the trial will bring him unwanted publicity and expose him to retribution from gay marriage supporters.

Tam also says the case has been more time-consuming and more intrusive into his personal life than expected.

See, trying Hate & Hide gets you nowhere.



  1. My name is David, I'm one of the guys behind, would you be interested in having some of your stories in our side, we have a News Buzz section and we are currently looking for contributors.

  2. "Hak-shing" in Chinese means cowardly lion.
