Saturday, January 9, 2010

Guiliani said there were no Domestic Attacks under Bush. WTF?

Guiliani, did you forget 9/11? You only mentioned it 4,556,999 times during your presidential campaign.


  1. Yeah - and I'm 6 foot-friggin-3 and a perfect size 6 bod.


  2. And the award for what will be the dumbest quote in 2010 goes to...

    Points to the lisping ex-mayor of New York.

  3. It's very clear that the Repubs have become lying, fear mongers. They haven't said anything significant or even interesting in years. But at least, they used to have a point of view based on some kind of theory, hypothesis, and the facts that supported them. Now, they just make up shit and say whatever they think will give them a sound bite that brings them some spotlight. They are just irrelevant and should be treated as such, although, we first have to remove the conservatives from power. That will be challenging, but they are helping by assuming Americans are stupid and will believe their lies.

  4. V, ditto to my husband above. Conservatives just create garbage to attract attention for themselves and say whatever they think will give them a sound bite, they can use later in the media, to make a point on something that pushes their public agenda/shadow show. Disgusting!
