Sunday, November 15, 2009

Taylor Lautner "Jacob" Doll

You can "own" him now.

The doll features Jacob's strong jawline as well as his sculpted six pack abs along with well worn denim cutoff shorts, ready for action as he prepares to turn from teenage boy to werewolf. The doll is set to hit stores in February 2010 to coincide with the release of the DVD version of the latest Twilight movie.

I know folks are drooling over him, but I don't see it yet.
Not because he is 12, but I don't see it. Maybe when he's 30, I'll really see it.

And they should darken him a little bit, since Jacob is Native American.



  1. Is that a photo of him or the doll? I can't tell, haha. ;)

  2. LOL I hate to state the obvious but the left him pale because they were afraid that associating him with a racial minortiy would decrease the dolls marketability.
    According to its makers nobody wants to play with a Native American doll.

  3. Ok, you know he's cute, and he almost legal lol jk, but if i were in high school, OMG ...

    And native americans come in a variety of colors just like black folk or indians (from subcontinent), hence how this white boy with a tan and small eyes can look native american ...
