Saturday, November 14, 2009

Carrie Pre-Jeans Should work for Vivid Video (porn)

NOM's angel is busted again!!!

This tramp has a zombie yard in her closet, good grief!

There are 30 nude photos and eight sex tapes of former Miss California Carrie Prejean, has learned exclusively.

It’s the most shocking turn yet in a scandal that has continued to follow the woman whose anti-gay marriage stance led to a national controversy and pitted her against pageant organizers.

Stripped of her crown, Prejean sued the Miss California USA pageant but reportedly settled after the sex tape surfaced. She called the sex tape the biggest mistake of her life.

Now a investigation has uncovered that there are SEVEN more “biggest mistakes” of her life – all of them solo performances, just like the one sex tape that the religious beauty queen has admitted to. And there are 30 photos of Carrie, most topless, some showing everything, and most taken by Carrie using her reflection in a mirror.

Girl, get it together!



  1. Hmm, I really question what she did to make it in those competitions. Queen of the Casting Couch is more like it.

  2. I think when she was thinking "holier than thouse" she meant "whorier than thou."

  3. No wonder she protested SO much...

  4. That bitch is just a hooker she is only after the benjamins.

  5. She seems like a flake - and I mean "religious" - this is what gets me about religious do-gooders - they use the name of Christ for something like this and they totally missed the point!
