Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Support ENDA!

Today is National Call-In Day for ENDA. This is one of the big ones for the LGBT community.

United ENDA is a group of LGBT orgs trying to get the word out. Here's a piece from their website:

Today is our National Call-In Day for Equality--- these call-in days are a coordinated effort by scores of organizations to flood Capitol Hill offices with calls as we move closer to a House vote on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. Congressmembers tell us that what influences them most are calls and emails from people back home. Make a difference, call Capitol Hill now. And get your friends and family members to call too!

Call the U.S. Capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121. Give your zip code and ask to be connected to your Representative.

Say: My name is _____ and a proud resident of (your city, state). I am calling in support of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (H.R. 3017), to protect lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people from job discrimination. Please pass ENDA before the end of the year. I can be reached at _______ (give your phone number). Thank you.

Or, send an email by filling out the form to the right.

Let's burn up the phone lines to Congress, telling them ENDA is next, ENDA is NOW! Let Congress know how important ENDA is to LGBT people and all those who care about equality. Call today! Call now!

If you can, please do so. This is an effective method we rarely use. Let's get with it!

1 comment:

  1. I've already heard back from one Rep. and one Senator about this. They both support as I knew they would(both are Dems). The other Judd Gregg, I will never here from, as he is a Repub. and we almost never hear back from this bastard.
