Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Best Approach?

So how can you semi-attack someone and then demand them to support you?

Check out, Equality California's "request"
The failure of President Obama and other elected leaders to actively support efforts to defeat ballot measures designed to take away our rights must end. Our community must stand together and stop endorsing and funding candidates who don't support our equality 100%. We should only stand with those who do.

Sign our petition to President Obama and his administration. Urge him to join the federal legal challenge to Prop 8. Then, ask everyone you know to do the same.

I get their point, but the delivery is not cute. If you want him to help, perhaps you should try to butter him up? I know if it was me they were demanding something from, I would say "You're kidding, right?"

Maybe next time, kill them or Obama with kindness first?


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