Friday, November 27, 2009

Question of the Day

How was your Thanksgiving?


  1. Pretty nice. I got to see my family before I went in to work. And I'm grateful to be employed, and thankful for my family.

  2. Good (and bad)...but absolutely delicious. Hope you had a great Turkey Day!

  3. It was great! Food was standard fare but the best part, we were at our friends place and what better holiday than that?

    I was cool as a cucumber the whole time. I've figured out the strategy for staying that way.

    It's a combination of two things. First it is the confidence with having prepared many, many holiday meals. The second is optional but helpful.

    Start drinking as you start cooking. I start off with beer and ale, then move on to wine throughout the meal time. Works perfectly. I think Julia Child mastered this particular art.

    But even Keyron remarked that even without the alcohol, I'm very cool when it comes to holiday prep. As I said, years of experience. I now know all the timing sequences for various dishes, aka when to start what and when so that everything is ready pretty much at once.

  4. I ate way too much! Oh, and I regret not making my amazing cornbread stuffing with pork and apples.
