Friday, November 27, 2009

Femme Fatale: Top 5 Bad Heroine movies

The Wonder Woman movie is going to happen soon, however, I cringe to think how this will turn out.

The history of Superwomen movies are not good, in fact, quite horrible.

Please watch and see for yourself:

Red Sonja- This was Xena without a good script

Barb Wire- Just bad

Catwoman- I loved it, but it wasn't cute. I still love Halle!

Elektra- This was a terror on screen

Supergirl- It's bad, but I love, love, love it!

And bonus, the original Wonder Woman movie- I also love this too


  1. Have they worked out exactly who is writing and starring?

    Did Bryan Singer come back to write or did he bail altogether?

  2. Growing up, I loved watching Wonder Woman. The movie scares me too. There is a chance it could be so so so bad. Hopefully it's done right! And Lynda Carter better have a small role somehow!

  3. I'm a little nervous about it too, but still looking forward to it. Wonder Woman and I were 'bests' when I was a kid. I remember being all excited to go see the Wonder Woman movie in the 70s (my dad took me) and it was that Cathi Lee flick. I kept waiting for the costume and was so disappointed!

    Great post!
