Thursday, November 19, 2009

Homophobes + Gay Porn = They Like It!

I should've known


  1. As much as we'd like to believe this and yes, there probably are many homophobic men who are just self-hating closet cases... This "study" is way too convenient. It's also pretty insulting, reducing men's sexuality to the circumference of their penis'?

    Maybe I'm taking this too serious and should just be giggling at boys getting boners?

  2. Well, I minored in Psychology and found this to be very true about homophobia in males and latent homosexuality.

    I'm not surprised by it at all.

  3. Brilliant, but how did they get the homophobe to sit still for the experiment on their own sexuality? The promise of gay porn?

  4. OMG, I love science. I want to study, and make this my field of expertise!

  5. This study has been done a number of times already. You can even buy the materials necessary to build your own.

    There are resistive wires that change resistance when stretched. That's all you need, and a little programming on an Arduino platform.

    But as I said, all the studies return the same result. Those with more homophobic views end up with greater tumescence.

    And look at all the virulent homophobes like Ted Haggard, or the original founders of Exodus. They either come out or they're exposed as the hypocrites that they are.

  6. This study has been done a number of times already. You can even buy the materials necessary to build your own.

    There are resistive wires that change resistance when stretched. That's all you need, and a little programming on an Arduino platform.

    But as I said, all the studies return the same result. Those with more homophobic views end up with greater tumescence.

    And look at all the virulent homophobes like Ted Haggard, or the original founders of Exodus. They either come out or they're exposed as the hypocrites that they are.
