Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Church finally did something Right

The Ali Forney Center and the local Episcopal diocese came together to reach out to LGBT homeless and troubled teens.

They renovated St. Andrew's Church for 16 teens to sleep in peace.
Carl Siciliano, executive director of the center, says he's grateful for the church's philanthropic outreach.

"So many of these young people are rejected by their families because of religion," he says. "Kids come in who have been put through exorcisms, and we've had kids whose parents make them go see priests who tell them they're evil and hateful and that they're going to hell. It's a really upsetting and unfortunate situation that so many young people are put through this kind of trauma by their parents' religious beliefs, so it's very moving to see a religious organization that's able to say that these youth should be affirmed and cared for, so I'm very grateful to the Episcopal diocese of Long Island for their support."

This is so awesome. I hope this example motivates other religious groups to follow suit. Pay attention, D.C.!


1 comment:

  1. V, sometimes the small victories are the sweetest, or maybe I'm just starved for desserts. This was a really special project. As you said I hope other cities/communities can follow this template.
