Thursday, October 8, 2009

So This is what Barney Frank said yesterday about NEM

Yesterday on Michelangelo Signorile radio show, Barney had some interesting things to say about the National Equality March, Michelangelo posted this on his site:

Barney Frank believes the march this weekend and rally on the mall are "useless" and don't put pressure on the White House. "I literally don't understand how this will do anything," he said. "People are kidding themselves. I don't want people patting themselves on the back for doing something that is useless." Besides, he says, "Barack Obama does not need pressure." He says we should model ourselves as lobbyists on "the National Rifle Association." He says people should not come to Washington and should stay home and lobby their members of Congress. "Nobody in Congress even knows they're there, he says, and he is not attending the March: He is going to California to raise money for himself and other Democrats.

To hear it all, go here


Larry Ohio said...

Hey Barney, can't we do both? Why do you act like they're mutually exclusive?

Joy said...

I don't understand that. He's been there a long time and knows how things work, so maybe he is saying people need to be organized the way the lobby groups are who are working for changes they advocate. What do you think?

kayman said...

Barney has a valid point.

lelocolon said...

I agree with Larry Ohio. While I think that you are preaching to the converted by going to Washington, There is a good reason for doing so. Queer history has shown that Just because we have a Democrat Leader, that does not translate into a gay friendly environment. So therefore I believe the march is a good thing. The Queer community needs to regroup. But instead of going after Obama, they should star mobilizing against local groups and individuals homophobes that seem very vocal in their fascist comments.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.