Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Please Let Obama Mutha F**king Speak! Yes, this is a Rant

So I'm back in my defending Obama mode...

I am bothered by folks talking about what Obama's going to say, what he should say and what he needs to say.

Pipe down, folks!

Whatever he's going to say, I'm hopeful it will be good. But it feels like if he says anything it ain't going to satisfy anybody.

It's ridic that the community is getting all big in the mouth about his speech Saturday night.

He's going to do what he can with what he's got. We saw how health care went down, do we think LGBT rights will any easier? My God, I think some folks are living in Wonderland went it comes to this issue.

This is all I ask from our community.
  • Stop predicting he will say nothing that's good enough.
  • Stop hoping for a disaster in his speech.
  • Stop complaining about the time it may take to repeal DADT. Until WE come up with an initial plan to overturn DADT, we should not get pissed off. Hell, they are trying to do the s**t right, let them do it!
  • Stop talking about how Obama can multi-task. I don't want my rights in midst of FEMA, the UN and when Bo will get his nuts cut off.
Let's try something new, folks. How about we hope for the best. With any great movement, it takes time and patience. I'm done with some us acting like the gay teabaggers.

Okay, I done ranting.


  1. Oh, they will NEVER shut up... They're SO tiresome.

  2. I agree 100%. I'm not going to the HRC dinner (I'm a D-list fag), but I hope to hear the speech later, assuming it is recorded and put out on youtube.

  3. I totally agree with you!


  5. We hoped for the best when we voted for him. Despite Warren, despite Obama throwing us under the bus on Prop 8 and despite Obama's cozying up to the religious right during the campaign. We had hope. Since the election all we have received are platitudes and speeches.

    We can predict that he won't say anything worthwhile in his speech because his office has said he won't.

    There is no reason to hope for disaster in his speech because he's not going to say anything earth shattering.

    We have every right to complain about the time it takes to repeal DADT...because of all the issues right now impacting our community THAT is the one that is ready to have the trigger pulled on. It just takes a little input, just a little, from him to push it over the edge. Murphy has the votes. We have a filibuster proof margin. And, when you say WE need to have an initial plan...wake up, you apologist, WE have it. It's in place. We've worked the rooms. We have the votes. We have the backing from military magazines and personnel. WE did that. WE did the lobbying. Apologize all you want. WE have this ready to go. Obama just doesn't want to use hi political capital on our community.

    And lastly, Obama can multi-task. When you say "I don't want my rights in midst of FEMA, the UN and when Bo will get his nuts cut off." What????? If he can get it done, which he can, why would any gay person in their right mind say they want to wait? Should the environmentalist wait? Should gun control folks wait? Should the education people wait? No. Our government is always working and always in motion. This notion you have that everybody has to wait their turn is foolish and unrealistic. Nothing in the nation's capital would get done. Have fun waiting. So far the only thing that has EVER moved Obama to the slightest action has been the loud voices of our activist community.

  6. V, we've agreed on much since each we both started reading each other's blogs but you know this is one issue where we are on the opposing sides.

    While I would never go as far as the folks from Queerty, which is just rude and not very constructive, I think a healthy dose of criticism and frustration keeps our elected leaders on their toes--which is where they should be. It's hard to pass the buck on an issue if those affected are banging on your door demanding you do something--especially if that door is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

    I'm not not gonna get into here, but I will say I take pause with the fact that he is going to give a speech because he bills himself as a "fierce advocate" but since taking office he has been anything but that.

    I still respect him as a President and as a person immensely; and I really think at his core he really wants to make these changes, but for whatever the political calculations was those in the White House decided to table the issue(s). And maybe that is smart politics, he does have the world on his shoulders, but it doesn't help those that still affected by those policies.

    Justice delayed is still justice denied.

    So while I think his critics on this issue, myself included, need to be mindful of all the other things he has to deal with; the administration must also taking into consideration that there is a window of opportunity to pass this, and people are affected by these policies, so it's not just symbolism.

    But I digress. Wuv, U!

  7. Mike, it's not about waiting, it's about getting it done right. I don't want a quick fix nor will I settle for one.

    Also DADT is a serious issue that has to be broken down to avoid deeper matters. If the ban is lifted without any follow-up or post efforts, we have only open the flood gates without any sandbags.

    And when did DADT become the overall gay issue? It should be EDNA but that's another issue for another time.

    J.and Mike I feel you, we have different views and I'm fine with that. While I stand strong with my issues, I am glad to see your views as well

  8. WM - I am with you 100% - everyone got so impatient once he was in office - like he didnt have a global financial meltdown to deal with - or an illegal war - or a health care crisis.

    I want it done - but like you I want it done right rather than quick.

    Go Mr President.
