Friday, October 30, 2009

Interesting Quote: President Obama after Lifting the HIV Travel Ban

Some communities still experience unacceptably high rates of infection. Gay men make up 2 or 3 percent of the population, but more than half of all new cases. African Americans make up roughly half of all new cases. Nearly half of all new cases now occur in the South. And a staggering 7 percent of Washington, D.C.'s residents between the ages of 40 and 49 live with HIV/AIDS — and the epidemic here isn't as severe as it is in several other U.S. cities.

So tackling this epidemic will take far more aggressive approaches than we've seen in the past — not only from our federal government, but also state and local governments, from local community organizations, and from places of worship.


1 comment:

  1. So southern, black gays are the most at risk? And I thought African American women were 50% of new cases...ho many halves make a whole?
