Friday, October 30, 2009

David Tennant starts his final Doctor Who performance in December

David's leaving soon (sad) and here is the airdate for the next special:

Doctor Who: The Waters of Mars airs on BBC AMERICA, Saturday December 19, 9:00pm ET/PT.

It stars Tennant and British stage and screen actress Lindsay Duncan (Rome, Langford) as Adelaide, his cleverest and most strong-minded companion.

All will be revealed as the Doctor and his companion Adelaide face terror on the Red Planet in one of the scariest adventures yet. Peter O'Brien (Casualty, Neighbours) guest stars as Ed, Adelaide's second-in-command at the base.



  1. I am sad yet excited. David has been great as the Doctor, but there is also some interesting possibilities with the new guy. I just wish I could see Doctor Who, Torchwood, Being Human, etc sooner! Why does the BBC make us wait so?

  2. Well, is it BBC or BBC America, Howard? Will it air in the UK earlier?? Has it already?

  3. Ok, never mind. It says it right at the top, November 15th...well YOU may wait till it airs here... ;)

  4. I am sad to see David go, but I'm happy for him as well. It think Howard has it right when he says there are all kinds of possibilities with a new person as the Doctor.
