Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Different Worlds we Could have lived In

I was just reading about the multiverse or alternative universes. Basically, it's a bunch of "what ifs" of your life, like if you did this instead of that.

So, I thought about some my "what ifs" and all the odd possibilities.

  • What if I went to the Army instead of college? (it almost happened)
  • What if I didn't follow my best friend to Murray State and went UT Knoxville?
  • What if I finished college in 4 years instead of 5?
  • What if my girlfriend got pregnant in college? (that almost happened too)
  • What if I came out at 18 vs 23?
  • What if I decided to stay in NYC instead of taking the Cornell job and moved to Ithaca in 2001?
  • What if I was Christian?
  • What would have happened if I never went to college?
  • What if I stayed in the closet?
  • What if I was a whore?
  • What if I stayed in grad school at Georgia Southern instead of going back to Murray State to complete my Master's degree?
I could do this all day. But do you ever wondered about stuff like this? I would love to hear about it.


  1. Man, all the time...I think the biggest one I wonder about is: What if I never got that first credit card? What if i knew then what I know now about life?

    Overall, I am pretty pleased with who I became. But you can't help but think about it little things that would've made things better...

  2. Oh my god I so hope you don't mind if I piggyback on this it!

  3. My major what if is....what if I came out....I wish I could!
