Saturday, October 17, 2009

Communities of Color are coming to Help in Washington

These organizations of color are supporting the expansion of domestic-partnership law in Washington.

Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle
El Centro de la Raza
Asian and Pacific Islanders Coalition of King County
Northwest Indian Bar Association
Minority Executive Directors Coalition of King County
Seattle-King County NAACP
Middle Eastern Legal Association of Washington
Entre Hermanos
Organization of Chinese Americans of Greater Seattle
Latino Political Action Committee of Washington
Japanese American Citizens League
Community 2 Community Development
Loren Miller Bar Association
Filipino Lawyers of Washington
Asian Pacific Islander Community Leadership Foundation
National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum
Asian Pacific Directions Coalition
Asian and Pacific Islander Women and Family Safety Center
Vietnamese Bar Association of Washington
Sea Mar Community Health Clinics
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance
Raising Our Asian Pacific American Representation
South Asian Bar Association of Washington
Korean American Bar Association of Washington
Latina/o Bar Association of Washington
Pinay sa Seattle
New Americans Action Fund
CASA Latina
Asian Pacific Islanders Coalition of Pierce County


1 comment:

  1. Great news. Is there an effort going on to reach out to organizations and POC?
