Sunday, May 10, 2009

Question of the Day

For those who saw Star Trek...Did you like it, thought it was okay or hate it?

Let me know.


  1. I loved it...... I thought it was an incredibly stylish reboot - more on my blog.

    I loved it.

  2. I haven't seen it, and I honestly didn't want to when I first heard about it. But I am curious now after all the great reviews. Plus, Uhura looks HAWT!

  3. Really enjoyed it and thought it gave a much needed shot in the arm to that franchise. The Next Gen movies never did anything for me but as a lover of classic Trek, it was nice how much they got right.

  4. We saw it and enjoyed it. Just enough of the old show to make you remember, then enough new stuff to keep you going.

    Plus, Chris Pine is dee-lish-ous!

  5. I thought it was really good. I'm disappointed that Hollywood still hasn't the imagination to make a female character interesting without resorting to her sexuality, but other than that, I liked the film.

  6. What Son of Baldwin said <<<

    Alternatively, I'm just looking forward to seeing some prime, all-American cornfed boy meat in his underwears on the big screen.

    Is that wrong.

  7. I thought it was pretty good. I watched it with my father and we were both fans of the original series.

    I wish they would've given Uhura a bit more action, though... She is an ultimate Diva and her legacy should've been better represented in the movie.
