Sunday, May 10, 2009

John Katehis claims he Killed George Weber in Self Defense

John Katehis is the teen who murderer George Weber after they met up for sex. During the hearing on Friday, John revealed several things that caused his father to cry.

John Katehis' lawyer said things about the murdered Weber that, when they hear, will make Weber's friends cry, just like the teen boy's father.

"It seems that Mr. Weber had this whole secret life that no one knew about," Schwartz said. "He lured John Katehis into his home. He plied him with alcohol and illegal drugs."

Not even the defense lawyer, though, denied that on March 20 Weber was killed in his Carroll Gardens apartment; or that Katehis had the knife that killed him; or even the statement, by one of the arresting detectives, that was submitted Friday in court papers.

"Defendant stated killing George was an accident. …Defendant went to George's apartment after responding to craigslist ad for smothering. He was supposed to get $60," the statement said.

Or this, attributed to Katehis himself: "I didn't mean to kill George. It was an accident. He pulled a knife on me, so I stabbed him. He gave me something to drink and some coke. He asked me to do things I wasn't comfortable with."

To which attorney Schwartz added: "[Weber] attempted to get him to do, some sadomasochistic sex to him. Um, the situation got out of control."

The Brooklyn assistant district attorney was clearly frustrated as she tried to set the record straight, but was cut off by the judge.

But Schwartz lost his main argument. Katehis was sent back to Rikers Island and will still be tried as an adult for murder.

I have a hard time believing that John was defending himself, but I guess...Innocent until proven guilty.



  1. why is this ALWAYS the defense when a gay man is killed?

  2. What is it with Craig's List?

  3. I probably shouldn't comment on this because this kid reminds me too much of a recent ex, but I see that same nastiness in his face when I look at this guy.

    He deserves his due process, but I agree with TG-K, why the gay man always gotta be the predator? Same ole bullsh*t defense to make it seem gay men are outta control licentious deviants!
