Monday, April 27, 2009

When are you Too Old to Hook-Up?

A friend of mind just told me that he is too old to be hooking-up with guys. He just turn 30 and now he's in the "find a husband" mode.

I asked him, "Why do you think you're too old?"

He believes that no good man would want a barfly over the age of 30. A good man wants another good man. Now, mind you that my friend and I are from the South, so we have weird and ancient views of morals and virtue.

I told him that a good man with accept everything about you if he likes you. But my friend disagrees with me; he still thinks if your whoring it out after 30, you're damaged.

I can't really explain his logic, plenty of single men over 30 have active sex lives and they are not damaged. I just don't get why he's holding on to this foolishness. If you like a guy and mood is right, there's nothing wrong with a little 'pudding tasting'. That's 2 grown men making a decision that is usually good for the both of them (sometimes).

The fact that you are considered "damaged" is crazy. I told my friend that he should lighten up. He should have his standards, but have a little fun too.


  1. I didn't whore it up in my 20s. Do I get a pass? I'd like to start doing it

  2. I think the only rule one should abide by in life, is to always strive to do the most loving thing for yourself. By loving yourself I mean that you work at engaging things that will sustain you mentally, physically and spiritually. If that means some slap and tickle, then so be it.

    The thing to always watch out for is when things become and obsession, and all your energy is spent on feeding the compulsion.

    With that said, maybe what your friend is really looking for is a deep love that is not measured in inches.

  3. You're never too old too hook up. But I think it's true that a lot of good guys get taken early making it harder and harder to sieve through the remaining ones. If you're getting older, still single and aim to settle down, like me, there is a sense of urgency.

  4. I too am all about age limits and deadlines, and there are things I won't do past 30, but it seems to me that your friend is trying to have it both ways.

    You don't automatically become a saint just because you decided to stop hoing it up and find a husband. And you aren't damaged if you keep enjoying your hodom past 30.

    You really should live your life because if you try to change your ways for longterm love, your past will come back... to haunt you!

    And you're never too old to hook up (even if I think hooking up is kinda... no.)

  5. This is an interesting topic...

    I think age ain't nuthin but a number.

    I am curious about how people think that one finds "another good man."

    I happen to find my man at age 21 but I thinkthat was just a fluke. To me, to find the perfect man for you, you will find them doing the same thing you are doing.

  6. You can bet your bottom dollar your friend is getting fucked up every which way like a $5 ho. That bitch is probably never off his knees, on all fours, or on his back getting spitroasted like a bitch.

    Nasty, dutty, little whore. Uh uh.

  7. I understand what your friend is saying, but from what I know a man can be damaged goods long before he hits 30...

  8. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
