Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Interesting Quote: Rev. Floyd H. Flake

“I don’t care what the politicians think. Ain’t nothing perfect about laying down and signing a license with somebody who got the same body parts you got.”

Fool and I guess, a preacher, who (no surprise) don't want gay marriage in New York.

Frak you, Floyd!


  1. I've met this man and heard him speak. The vibe off of him was that he was as smooth as ice. I thought to myself, ugh this man is spreading the message of a sacred (aka God) energy. If he gets the national platform and attention, get ready for some Jessie Jackson type of dirt.

  2. I'm confused as to where he gets a marriage license. I didn't know you had to "lay down" to get one.
    Frak you is right!

  3. wonder why I don't listen to preachers anymore...
