Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What Little Edie taught Me

If you haven't seen or heard about Grey Gardens, please get HBO or the original documentary. I saw this HBO film this weekend and now I'm obsessed with the Big and Little Edie Beales, especially Little Edie. I realized I've always seen pictures of her, I just never knew who she was.

Here's the quick and dirty about her: Little Edie wanted to be a star and left her home in East Hampton to live in NYC, but heartbreak and her mother's (Big Edie) cooing, brought her back home to Grey Gardens. For years, she lived with her mother in that house, which was completely ran down and infested with wild cats and raccoons. Finally once her mother died, Little Edie left Grey Gardens and start living her life.

After seeing this film, I thought about Little Edie and her life. She had big dreams and a setback, that pulled her away from glitz. But the minute she was able to get back out there...she did.

How many of us started out with big ideas? How many of us had setbacks? And how did we bounce back from the brink of despair?

Little Edie's story reminded me that when opportunities are available, take them. Take them and run with it, don't waste a moment. Little Edie finally got to sing and dance, and she never gave up hope. Seeing her finally live her dream was wonderful; it reminded me to continue reaching my goals and keep moving on.

So please...see this movie if you can. Grey Gardens is a great and yet, sad story that can motivate you to live your life.


  1. The doc is a remarkable film. I bought the Criterion Collection edition which also has the second documentary released in 06. I hav't seen the HBO film yet, but it's already in my queu to buy. I reacted very much the same way you did to the film.

  2. I'm blogging about this tomorrow.


  3. I enjoyed the movie SO much...
