Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Miss California takes the High Road against Perez

Yes Miss Cali-Cal expressed her views and that's her right to do so. But now this is going to a different level. Perez Hilton is upset, called her names, and made sure the media knows about it.

See here

I understand his anger, but I think he's going too far. It's her opinion and I don't think it was the worst answer ever. We all know people have opposing views, Carrie has hers and Perez has his. But let's leave it at that. It just seems that he's trying to milk this moment. And when did he become our strong voice? If he ain't outing folks (Johnathan Knight, Neil Patrick Harris & Lance Bass)for fun, he's belittling folks for profit. So, it's hard to take Perez seriously. In fact, his actions may make Carrie the martyr.

So to be real, Perez, sit this one out.


  1. I agree with Perez on this one though. As miss USA, you do expect her to be politically correct. She's out representing all of us, not just her personal views and opinions.

    She has the right to feel anyway she'd like, I don't agree with her, but she answered poorly.

    The fact that she has family that who are gay activist only fuels the fire.

  2. I have to agree with you. She was asked a question, she gave her answer it was not right or wrong it was how she felt and she explained why she felt that way. I still laugh over her talking about her country but other than that he needs to let that go.

  3. I hate Perez Hilton anyway. He makes me sick.

    However, I am defending the Homophobic beauty queen on this. Perez, you can attract more flies with sugar than vinegar.

    He is coming off like a bitchy queen with a chip on his shoulder...While she will ultimately become a martyr and possibly the next Anita Bryant.

    What have we learned from this? Pageant Queens hate gays.

  4. Which I think is funny Todd since we usually do their hair....

  5. LOL!! DJ you so funny!!

    I have to say I am on her side. Perez is out of line. He of all people has very little to no right to judge anybody else.

    Too many folks feed us bullcrap and scarifice there morals just to get to the top. If in truth she did sacrifice her crown for the sake of her belief, I have to back that. Because in many ways, we as a gay community have had to make scarifices by coming out of the closet and being honest with ourselves, our peers and our families about who we are and how we feel. Sacrificing the accolades and acceptance we could have if we just lied and told people what they wanted to hear. I wouldn't want anyone to take my truth away from me, so I definitely would never want to take that away from her. That is what this country is about, now if only they would really make us all equal, her opinion would mean even less.

    Perez being nasty to her and calling her names will only solidify her opinions and guarantee that she never changes her mind about the subject.
