Monday, April 20, 2009

Top 5 Demon Possessions

To some folks, we are possessed by demons. Homosexuality has its own demon, how cool. However, I wanted to highlight other possessed individuals who may understand what we are going through.

Ghostbusters-Zuul possesses Dana Barrett

Killer Party-Jennifer is possessed by a angry frat boy

The Exorcist 1 and part 2-Regan is taken over by Pazuzu, not once but Twice

Days of Our Lives-Marlena Evans has the Devil in her

The possession of Emily Rose-There's something wrong with her

I know we are not possessed, it's just funny to think we are. And I had a good time finding these clips.


  1. "Ray, when someone asks if you're a God you say YES!" That was one of the priceless scenes in Ghostbusters.

    Another is when Venkman says "She sleeps above the covers, five FEET above the covers"
