Monday, April 20, 2009

Interesting Quotes: Wendy and Lisa

Did you first think Prince was gay?

Lisa: He was little and kinda prissy and everything. But he’s so not gay.

Wendy: He’s a girl, for sure, but he’s not gay. He looked at me like a gay woman would look at another woman.

Lisa: Totally. He’s like a fancy lesbian.

Wendy: I remember being at that “Sexuality” video shoot and him on stage with that little black jacket and that tie thing around his neck and his black pants with white buttons on the side. And we looked at each other for the first time and I thought, “Oh, I could so fall in love with that girl easy.” It doesn’t matter what sexuality, gender you are. You’re in the room with him and he gives you that look and you’re like, “Okay, I’m done. It’s over.” He’s Casanova. He’s Valentino

A piece from their interview with Out, discussing Prince, their relationship and their sexuality.


  1. Not a fan of the guy, especially with his recent anti-gay comments. He's a Jehovah's Witness apparently, which is the religion I was raised in until I was 17. Not funor a gay man :-(

  2. I think Prince is just sexual, but he's not gay. Can't see Prince with a man at all. He's a little "soft" as they used to say. He's always been hot to trot for his women, so no, I'll agree with them, that he's not gay.

  3. LOL

    Even though I prefer the more "butch" type guys I would so date For me it's his eyes. It's like he can see through your soul.

    I wouldn't raid his wardrobe but I'd definitely do him.

    He's got natural sex appeal.

  4. Never mind Prince (as much as I am a fan). What a great, fun interview with these two. This is an incredible love story--to fall in love and in music with someone you have known since you were two years old... I am getting all sniffly just thinking about it! LOL
