Friday, April 17, 2009

Tea Party: The Aftermath

If I was a GOP consultant, I would really express how yesterday's Tea Parties was not a good PR move.

Although it was not a specific GOP event, it was easily labeled as one. It didn't help that there were several governors, senators and a news network supporting this erratic behavior. If the GOP or conservatives wanted to send a message, it should not have been through this event.

However at the end of day, we learned some things about the Tea Parties.
  • It sealed the deal that some folks are truly ignorance of politics and economics.
  • The crazies who supported Palin's silly ass are still around.
  • The Tea Parties was an excuse to push racism and white power.
  • If Texas secedes then it will funny to watch.
  • The Tea Baggers can't spell.
  • They just don't like Obama.
  • Their kids are going to pay off a huge national debt anyway.
  • The GOP really don't care, in fact they will move further away from the Tea Baggers come election time.
  • Most people thought the Tea Parties were stupid and it will be perfect ammo for any political race.
  • The Tea Party was not racially diverse.
  • This will harm the GOP more than help.
While it was entertaining to watch, I really feel sorry for those people. They are so lost and unaware. Maybe one day they will learn the truth and understand that we are in a better place than before.

1 comment:

  1. You know the basic premise that I got from all of it is taxation without representation. But those leading this thing want no such thought to enter the minds of the rabble.

    I'm miffed about the bank bailouts but recall, this wasn't Obama's move but a move by Bush. I think they should nationalize the banks, get them back into fiscal health and then break them into a bunch of little pieces and sell them again.

    But I've seen a number of videos from various cities around the U.S. and I have to say, I get the impression that there is a strong racist sentiment among many of the protesters.

    And lets not forget, the vast majority of the electorate are ignorant as hell. I don't know, maybe I got something different from my education. I know how government is supposed to work, and it allows me to see what is broken and to formulate possible solutions to the problem.

    The people at the protests are just reacting from a base emotional state.
