Friday, April 17, 2009

Is Steve Schmidt the future of LGBT relations for the GOP?

Steve Schmidt, the former designer of the McCain's campaign, is stepping it up. In the midst of their failures, missteps and foolishness, Steve could be creating a new direction for the GOP.

Today begins Steve's return to the spotlight. He's speaking to the Log Cabin Republicans, hoping to change their stance on gay marriage. Steve will challenge them on their views and encourage an different approach to the GOP's mission.

In his speech, he will say:

"There is a sound conservative argument to be made for same-sex marriage. I believe conservatives, more than liberals, insist that rights come with responsibilities. No other exercise of one's liberty comes with greater responsibilities than marriage."

"It cannot be argued that marriage between people of the same sex is un American or threatens the rights of others. On the contrary, it seems to me that denying two consenting adults of the same sex the right to form a lawful union that is protected and respected by the state denies them two of the most basic natural rights affirmed in the preamble of our Declaration of Independence — liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, I believe, gives the argument of same sex marriage proponents its moral force."

It seems that Steve is moving forward. He sees the opportunity of changing the game, reaching out to the new and determined generation of voters. It also seems that Steve could be, possibly, running for office? I wonder...he has the skills and lite baggage than most politicians.

Could he be the new face of the GOP?

Who knows, but it seems like the perfect time for a new voice to speak.


1 comment:

  1. He will not be the face of the GOP, not as long as Republicans in Congress believe that they have to be tied to the social conservatives. The Log Cabins seems like they will remain a fringe group, composing of the true ideals of conservatives like Schmidt mentioned; but it seems destined to always being considered not real Republicans.
