Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Question of the Day

After I posted the story about bullicide, I start thinking about our experiences in grade school.

For any unaware gay kid, life could be a box of thorns.

I'm sure it was hard, but there had to be something that kept your head to the sky.

So my question is...How did you make it through any teasing and bullying in your childhood?


  1. I am a stubborn SOB. So I just never let it get to me, and the there wasn't much teasing to begin with.

  2. Music and being a Nerd.
    Plus the relevation that "this too, must end" and I could leave my redneck past behind (mostly).

  3. I was never really bullied aside from two times when these two separate kids decided they wanted to beat me up, but they never went through with it. I've always wondered why?

    Anyway, I was teased, but I gave it right back because mama taught me never to let anyone treat me without respect. I think the effects of bullying on a child also are the responsibility of the parents to teach the gay child that they are wonderful, how to stand up for themselves, and not take it lying down...

  4. Sorry but I was the bully. I don't see why I can't be gay and the bully at the same time. Maybe that should be my handle from now on - The Gay Bully.

  5. YvesPaul, does this make you a Gally?

  6. I think I withdrew a little, and became an even shyer kid. I had a small circle of friends and stayed close with them, and tried to avoid the bully as much as possible.

  7. I wasn't bullied much exept for one kid in high school. One day he made some comments and i sadi loud enough for evryone to " If you don't shut your mouth, i'll shut it for you" He never said another thing.
    I was scared as hell!

  8. I tried to be as nice and funny as possible.

  9. With a sharp-ass tongue and a love for the X-Men
