Thursday, April 30, 2009

The People have Spoken

Good stuff from the polls:

A new ABC News/Washington Post poll shows support for marriage equality among Americans at an all-time high. According to the poll, 49% support same-sex marriage, while 46% oppose it. This is the first time supporters of same-sex marriage have outnumbered opponents in an ABC/Post poll.

Some key findings:

The poll found pronounced differences by age, with 66% of adults under 30 supporting same-sex marriage, 48% of respondents ages 30–64 supporting it, and only 28% of those over 65 in favor.

Support among self-identified conservatives, who remain least likely to endorse marriage equality, increased threefold over five years, from 10% in 2004 to 30% in the latest poll.

Polarization remains strong according to party affiliation, with conservative Republicans opposing marriage equality most strongly, and liberal Democrats favoring it most strongly.

Among those in the middle, the poll shows that 54% of moderates and 52% of independents favor marriage equality. However, the largest single shift is evident in moderate and conservative Democrats, where 57% support same-sex marriage now compared to 30% in 2006.

Additionally, 53% of respondents said that same-sex marriages performed legally in another state should be recognized in their states.


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