Thursday, April 30, 2009

Just how much Obama-Favored Haterade is Queerty Drinking?

Before I begin, I want to say that I enjoy reading Queerty. It’s entertaining, informative, it’s gay. But recently the folks over there are treating Obama like he gave them herpes or something.

Yesterday, they presented 2 articles on how Obama don’t really give a crap about us. One article focused on how late he was on the Hate Crimes bill and the other touches on his lack of support for the gay community.

Here's some examples
  • He's said he's too busy with the economy to get around to marriage equality. He's let his secretary of defense tell the world that Don't Ask Don't Tell might get repealed, which is the same as saying it might not. For all his talk about health care, he's done nothing to let gay people share benefits with their same-sex partners. There are no protections in place to keep us from getting fired from our jobs for being gay, even though we're losing paychecks like every other American. Immigrants are being deported because they cannot legally marry their same-sex partners.
  • Wow! Thank you, Mr. President! But, uh, aren't you weighing in on this a little bit late? Why has it taken you until the day before Congress will go to a vote to make a statement about the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act? And your support for it? And that you want Congress to pass it? Sure, Obama has had a busy first 100 days, but he's also got a giant team of gophers at his disposal, ready and willing to deliver statements — however meaningful — of support or disgust. And yet this is the first time since Obama was elected that he's made any (public) effort to get on Congress' back to get this bill passed. (We asked the White House's director of specialty media Shin Inouye to confirm this was the first time Obama specifically addressed the matter. Inouye tells Queerty "I'd have to check on specifics." We'll let you know what we hear.)

These articles are somewhat disingenuous and similar to how a jealous ex would sound towards the new bf. Seriously, the writer acts as if our issues outweigh every Gott-Damn-Thing that’s happening in our country!

Now, I would completely understand if the country was on track and nothing was going on. However, that’s not the case. We are hanging by our Lee press-on nails, hoping that we can avoid another economic fallout or the crazy ass North Korea’s test rockets. Then we have the war and looming doom that it creates. But somewhere down the line, somebody in Queerty has this Magneto-ish belief that we must come first.

He just got into the White House! He just got the ball rolling on the economy! Hell, what good are any of our liberties if our country is on life support! Until these major issues are in a safe zone, we will just have to wait. We have time, we ain’t going anywhere. It’s only been 4 frakking months! Just 4! Good things are happening to the gay community and our time is coming.

Maybe I'm too optimistic or way off, but I'm also realistic. There are deals and people to win over in order to pass bills and overturn stuff. There is a game to be played in politics and some things outweigh others. Is it fair? No, but at least we have someone who's playing in our best interest. I hope the writer(s) at Queerty understands that.

This is not the time to act like entitled arrogant kids. We need to give Obama more time before we draw up some busted analysis. After 4 years, if we have not made any progress then we need to develop a plan. I realize that folks are angry, but to blindly run amok with this Obama-don't- care really does nothing for anyone.

1 comment:

  1. He is backpedaling a bit. By saying that marriage equality takes 2nd fiddle he's essentially inviting the Supreme Court challenge.
