Thursday, April 23, 2009

Freddy Krueger has a New Nancy to Terrorize

Meet Rooney Mara...she is the new Nancy for the updated Nightmare on Elm Street.

Bloody Disgusting confirmed the news:
Bloody-Disgusting learned today that Rooney Mara (Urban Legends: Bloody Mary) is in final negotiations to star as the "average" teen protagonist in Warner Bros. Pictures, New Line Cinema and Platinum Dunes' remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street, which begins lensing in Chicago early next month.

She will join the previously announced Jackie Earle Haley (Kreddy Krueger), Kyle Gallner (Quentin) and Thomas Dekker (Jesse) in the film being helmed by music video director Samuel Bayer.

She looks normal and not sexed-up. Almost like the original and classic, Heather Langenkamp (who I got to meet in Tempe 2 years ago).

So far, I like the new Freddy and Nancy.


  1. Okay, I'm with you. Although I am HELLA dissappointed that the scariest movie of all time (in my opinion) is being rebooted...I love the casting thus far.

    Hell, I'm looking forward to it...

  2. The part of Nancy (in my opinion) has to carry the entire movie--as she has to be able to play the part of the best friend, the girlfriend, the victim, and finally the hero. I've never seen this girl's work before, so I hope she can do it.
