Thursday, April 23, 2009

Condi Approved Torture

Not you too, Condi!

Apparently, Miss Rice played a bigger role in the Torturing drama.

Then-national security adviser Condoleezza Rice verbally OK'd the CIA's request to subject alleged al-Qaida terrorist Abu Zubaydah to waterboarding in July 2002, a decision memorialized a few days later in a secret memo that the Obama administration declassified last week.

Rice's role was detailed in a narrative released Wednesday by the Senate Intelligence Committee. It provides the most detailed timeline yet for how the CIA's harsh interrogation program was conceived and approved at the highest levels in the Bush White House.

The new timeline shows that Rice played a greater role than she admitted last fall in written testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Cheney is also involved, which is nothing new, but Condi! Why?

Hopefully, she will address this issue soon. I always had faith in her.



  1. I never had faith in her. She goose-stepped alongside Bush/Cheney for years, so nothing she does or did will shock me.
