Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Child will Lead Them

Funny how these people think Obama is the Antichrist, while they have their own Damien Thorn speaking at their madcap conference.

I guess this is their Kid Miracleman, the future genius...Jonathan Krohn. He's smart almost too smart for the GOP, but we will see what happens to this kid as he grows up.

This could be a possible Presidential candidate...and then we will have, Omen V already in process.


  1. That was just plain scary. A real good Rush Limbaugh impression.

    Mind you he needs to be told that, conservative ideologies does not include protecting the rights of people with vaginas or if they are G,L,B or T. Conservative ideologies those not include them.

  2. I'll bet you a steak dinner that this kid will be a coked out mess by 20.

  3. I'm so glad you posted this. I saw this kid and at one point I burst out laughing and at another I had goosebumps.

    Brainwashed might be too strong of a term to use but he's definitely close to it.

    He's already written a book, and I'm sure its sales as sky-rocketed since the conference.

    The Conservative Movement is getting them early, while we progressives apparently wait until College. LOL

  4. How old is this little parrot? Good grief, this is scary! I'll bet he was home schooled and just know what kind of parents he has.

  5. That is one scary little mother%$#^&er.
    The Repugnants as children?

  6. It was only through Yahoo that I've seen him and heard what he has to say, but I didn't waste time Googling Jonathan Krohn anti-christ, and this site came up ha-ha! I guess, it's not just me...
