Friday, February 6, 2009

Question of the Day

Did anyone find Brian Kinney from Queer as Folk hot? I didn't, but I just wanted to know.

Well, I would make out with him, but I would not let him taste my pudding.

Well...I would let him...I would have sex with him. But only once.


  1. Lol...mmmm is all I have to say!

    Bye the way Mr. Wonder Man thanks for the kind words you left and for stopping by the new MALE blog.

  2. Yeah, kinda how I feel...I think.

  3. Not did I find not a single person on the show attractive, I found the show itself kinda gross and sticky.

  4. LOL...cute.

    I didn't find him that attractive. Good looking guy, I guess, but the character is just such a jerk. The only one on that show I thought was hot was Robert Gant.

  5. I take that back: Peter Paige was a cutie too. The whole "ex-gay" storyline was a bit annoying though.

  6. I don't find him hot either. When he was set out to replace Mike Delfino as Susan's new boyfriend, I was stumped.

    And I do agree with Eric, Robert Gant was pretty much the only hot one in QAF. (There was also Mike Battaglia who played a closeted quarterback, but he played a very small part)

  7. I never found him that attractive. I preferred Robert Gant.

  8. He never did a damn thing for me.


  9. Oh V darling, the things I would let that man do to me over, and over, and over again!

  10. I think he's good-looking, and he acted really well playing an asshole. For a straight actor, he really let loose as well and that's commendable.

    He also played him quite sympathetically I think, showing why he did the things he did without making it sound too cheesy. I think there's moments when Brian Kinney stands for the righteous anger in all of us too.

    I much prefer him in Desperate Housewives though, he's much sweeter and that makes him more appealing.

  11. Peter Paige and Robert Gant were the attractive ones on the show.

    I heard a lot of people bragging about Brian, and he is attractive; however, the hype seemed to surpass the character. I wondered what people saw in him that made him stand out so much.

    He had his good moments, but he was overall an ass.

  12. Superficially attractive; in contrast to everyone else, I love the character. Not necessarily a very nice person, and very flawed, but his whole life is one big F**K YOU to straight people. He's a gay superhero!!
