Monday, January 5, 2009

We Are INFESTING Small Town America!

Morals are funny things. Makes folks crazy, self-righteous, and often ignorant of other beliefs. However, for Nancy Robertson, it's a chance to spit out foolishness. Queerty led me to this small town paper, Asheville Citizen-Times in North Carolina.

In response to their “Gay wedding ban protested” story. Nancy HAD to say something to address our invasion of the USA...poor thing.

I feel morally obligated to express my opinion. I am a transplant from Jackson, Miss., who is astounded by how many homosexuals have “infested” this beautiful city. I just don't know what the general population should do.

Perhaps the solution would be to set aside a specific state of the union for them to inhabit – perhaps we should set up a new name for Connecticut and call it “ Sodom” or “Gomorrah.” I guess what these people think is that I should not be disgusted when I see them walking down the street holding hands and kissing in public. Do they think we can't help but think about what they do in private when we see them going as far as they can in public?

I speak as a straight person and am against acts committed against God's “natural” plan for the human race and the animals He put here for us to be in charge of. I encourage anyone to write an opinion on why they think that God made a male and a female.

If God condoned this type of behavior, He would have created one sex – not two.

Nancy Robertson, Arden

Nancy, Nancy, are entitled to your opinion, no matter how foolish it is, but I will remind you to read the Bible and remember the basic rules(no judgment). Also if you are consistently thinking about what goes on in our bedrooms, maybe you should try it for yourself. I thought it was a sin to harbor over sexual acts like that. You are a fool, honey; to put it pure and simple. And if you don't like our invasion, you can always move to Jesus's homeland or a cave.

Our society don't need an idoit like you running around, we already have enough.

1 comment:

  1. Too bad Nancy posted a generic address; I know some people who would like to infest Nancy's face with their fist.
