Monday, January 5, 2009

Question(s) of the Day

Today, Bradley J. Kiley was named to be Obama's Director of the Office of Management and Administration...and his openly gay.

But some are still bitter that there are no openly gay folks in the Cabinet.

Should we be happy to have LGBT people in the White House?

Is it a real problem LGBT peeps are not in Cabinet-level or policy-making positions?

What do y'all think.


  1. Good question. It surprises me that he doesn't have more openly gay people on his cabinet or in other high level positions. I'm sure there are many highly-qualified members of the "family" out there.

    So far my thoughts on Obama is that I want to see him sworn in and see what he does.

    I don't want to ruin my Obama-high by worrying about every little misstep or grey cloud. He needs time to do his thing, for me to really see what is truly there.

  2. I'm of the camp that I wish people would stop second guessing him and let him do his job. That's all I care about currently. I agree with Allan S. This will probably be the most diversified cabinet of any president and yet we still find fault.

  3. Point's just that I hadn't decided what sexual role he preferred yet. My characters don't come fully formed when I first put them on paper. They kind of evolve. What seems pretty obvious is that he's a full on freak. lol
