Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My People, My Disappointment

It pains me to learn that 70% of the Yes to Prop 8 vote came from Black people. I am not surprised, for the reason for their vote is their deep roots in religion.

I have said this before, religion has shaped Black people since slavery. However it's disheartening to see how passionate they were to vote against gay marriage. It was like they forgot not too long ago we were faced with similar matters. We should've remember that our freedom, our rights were just granted to us, and it was granted to us reluctantly. We should not forget.

We should remember our struggle and hope that we would have such freedoms. If they truly believed in God, then they would have not voted for this. Denying folks from their happiness is not Christian. Out of all people, Black people should've known better. I hope we can have a real discussion about this in our community. We need to get down to the heart of the issue. Yes on Prop 8 is a setback, and the support from Black folks cuts ultra deep.


  1. My Latino folks were not too far behind in being blinded by the light. I'm going to meditate on what I can do to bring the real light to this issues in CT.

  2. I agree with you and what is also ironic is that many of the marcher in Selma and Birmingham were gay also.
