Thursday, November 6, 2008

Christian Coalition of America Stop Fooling Yourselves

This is the response from the Religious Terrorist Group, Christian Coalition of America.

Among the most important news from yesterday's elections were the banning of homosexual "marriages" in the states of California, Florida, and Arizona. Indeed, the citizens of California overturned a tyrannical judicial decision by 4 California judges (in a 4-3 decision earlier this year) by passing Proposition 8 yesterday.

The President of the Christian Coalition of America, Roberta Combs said: "The American people are proud of their fellow citizens in the states of California, Florida and Arizona for upholding traditional marriage between one man and one woman. Christian Coalition of America will continue to fight to ensure that government serves to strengthen and preserve, rather than threaten, our families and our values."

Thus far, 30 states have outlawed homosexual "marriages" by an average close to 70% approval by voters through amendments to the state constitutions. In addition, the voters in Arkansas yesterday approved a measure banning unmarried couples from serving as adoptive or foster parents. It will be the goal of Christian Coalition to ensure that the other 20 states adopt similar amendments banning homosexual "marriages" including the states of Massachusetts and Connecticut which also had two judicial decisions, by one vote margins, legalizing these abominations. sweetie, what you are doing is an abomination. Let me remind you about the Bible and the true concept of the words. Judging what' s wrong or right, isn't your duty, it's God's. Discriminating against people in the name of religion, is true mismanagement of the faith. Jesus was attacked by the government, now you are using that same system to attack us. Trying to stop the celebration of love is damn near evil than good.

My dear, you are not working in the best interest of God. Remember God 'supposedly' made all of this. He don't need to you or your group of disillusioned fleas. So stop being a spokesperson for God or Jesus; you are doing a poor job so far.

Love, hope, and community were God's main codes. Where did y'all go so wrong? Oh I know, corruption and power. Doing crap like this gave y'all a sense of power, which is far from the way Jesus would have reacted. You are a disgrace to the faith and what comes around, goes around. This isn't over, and we will have our day. So get ready...we're coming back!

1 comment:

  1. Good commentary.

    This is what I'm sure a lot of people wish they could say once these things go down. Instead of shoving their own dogma down their throats, we too often cling to the First Amendment as if it is our only defense.
