Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What are y'all doing!

This is a sad mess. 52 government fools including a police officer, a felony court clerk, two corrections officers and 27 school bus drivers and attendants were arrested in a scam to gain access to the painkiller OxyContin.

Authorities estimate 130 medically unnecessary prescriptions for OxyContin -- more than 12,000 tablets -- were presented to pharmacies. The drugs have an estimated street value of $400,000, prosecutors said.

This is sad, I can't help but to think about the their families and the embarrassment they are facing. I know times are hard, but this is too much. Makes me wonder if the economy continues to fall, what else will happen.


  1. If anyone is looking for a job, there are now openings for 27 bus drivers, 10 bus attendants, 6 solid waste authority workers, 5 public school security officers, 3 schools custodians, and 11 other assorted government jobs now open, apply now they have a great health care plan.

  2. Gee, I will bet that most of these degenerets have children (poor kids). Also, most of them are conected to children in some way or another. Put them away for a long time and make an example out of them. Those people work AND SELL DRUGS? SAD SAD SAD!!!!! Take a good look at the pictures, notice anything? Most of them have something in commen, yes thats right!!! We don't owe them a thing anymore, they have already taken everything they could possible get from us.

  3. Most of these people work closley with our children. SICK SICK SICK!!! Put them away for 20yrs. to make a good example out of them!! Notice that they all have something in common? Yes, thats right. I think people that sell drugs to children should be sent far away to another country. Maybe if we found an island and set them up there, we could start getting rid of these degenerates and not have to pay for them to live in a nice jail with TV's. The do not deserve anything as nice as a tv after what they have done. Throw they book at those people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Signed,

  4. Anyone notice that the guilty are all black people?

  5. This is probably where Rush Limbaugh was getting his oxy since the heat came down!

  6. Why do they only post the 6 pictures of the people of color?? what about the 46 whites that were arrested with them..???

  7. Interesting, that is a question to ponder.

  8. And regardless of their race, understand the deeper issues at play. Being poor is heavy burden that leads into making bad choices. They were probably thinking this would provide money for their families, a quick fix. I'm not defending them, but I'm not going to let this be a race thing. It's a reflection of the economy and lack opportunities for everyone.

  9. My name is Kurt Fischer and i would like to show you my personal experience with Oxycontin.

    I have taken for 2 years. I am 27 years old. I took percecet 10 mg 4 times a day and they helped but gave me massive mindgrains so I switched to oxycotin which I think is a better long term drug. Oxycontin doesnt have a coming down experience you stay feeling good the whole day. The only bad thing about it is getting off it, I just resestly got off it 3 days ago and had very bad withdrawl symptoms even with help of a "junkie" medication.

    I hope this information will be useful to others,
    Kurt Fischer
