Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Don't F*** up David DeCouteau!

So not to long ago, I talked about how Gay Horror is dead. Well, judging from this news, we may be seeing zombies.

David DeCoteau, director several horror misfires like: Beastly Boyz: A Twisted Tale of Revenge, The Sisterhood: Pledge of Evil, The Brotherhood 2: Young Warlocks, and Leeches--has been given the opportunity to remake classic horror tales in a gay tone for Here! Networks. DeCoteau inked a two-year deal with Regent to direct 10 films and two television series through his own studio.

Now, it's good news that more Gay Horror is coming, but his track record ain't screaming "masterpiece". I'm scared that he's going to give more of Here!'s dollar store version of Horror. More twinks, sex, and plot-less story lines. I have yet to see a Gay Horror movie that taps the vein. If he's going to do these movies, I hope he changes the game. I'm sick of the semi-porn-abs-Horror we're subjected to. I want it real, raw, frightening. It's the only way to do Horror.

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